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Papers Online

Brown, Ras Michael (Dillard University). West-Central African Nature Spirits in the South Carolina Lowcountry. Session: Resources and Remembrances: Africans in the Americas. Jonathan Reynolds (Livingstone College), Discussant. Hosted by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 28 October 2000.
Catsum, Derek (Ohio University). Those Who Command the Ones That Pulled the Trigger See Us As Less Than Human: The Langa Massacre and State Violence in South Africa. Aran S. MacKinnon (University of Western Georgia), Discussant. Hosted by Western Carolina University, 15 April 2000.
Coulibaly, Walarington (University of Abidjan in Ivory Coast). 'Refugees and Risk of Conflict in Host Countries: Case Studies of Cote D'Ivoire and Gunea'. Kenneth Wilburn (East Carolina University), Chair and Discussant. Hosted by State University of West Georgia, 12 April 2003.
Getz, Trevor R. (University of New Orleans). Amoako Atta and the British. Nonso Okereafoezeke (Western Carolina University), Chair and Discussant. Panel 1: Reconciling Colonial Impositions with Postcolonial Realities. Hosted by East Carolina University, 13 October 2001.
Johnson, Tekla Ali. The Impact of the South African Liberation Struggle on Pan-African Praxis in the United States: a Pedagogical Study. Aran S. MacKinnon (University of Western Georgia), Discussant. Panel 3: Space, Culture, Movement, and the Evidence from Africa. Hosted by The College of Charleston, 27 March 2004.
Leaver, David (University of Cincinnati and Raymond Walters). Whites in Zimbabwean Historiography 'Hapana Mutsauko' its 'The Same Difference'. Aran MacKinnon, Discussant. Session Title: Twisting in the Winds of Change: Interpreting Current Crises in Southern Africa. Hosted by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 28 October 2000.
Kabiri, Ngeta K. (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill). The Coast Mining Rights Forum: An Anti-Tiomin or Anti-Titanium Mining Coalition in Kenya? Jonathan Reynolds (Northern Kentucky University), Chair and Discussant. Panel 2: Toward Increased, Lasting Development: Changing Responsibilities in African Societies. Hosted by East Carolina University, 13 October 2001.
Kidula, Jean (University of Georgia). Where is Your Tradition? On the Problematics of an African Ethnomusicologist Research on Christian Musics. Cathy Skidmore-Hess (Georgia Southern University), Discussant. Hosted by Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia, 15 October 1999.
Mabutla, Frank Gansi (Livingstone College). The Fate of Traditional Leaders in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Aran MacKinnon (State University of West Georgia), Discussant. Session: Changing Identities and Roles: Tradition Reconfigured. Hosted by Northern Kentucky University, 7 April 2001. Paper revised 21 August 2007.
MacKinnon, Aran S. (State University of West Georgia). "Of Oxford Bags and Twirling Canes": Native Anti-Malarial Assistants, the State and Popular Responses to Malaria Epidemics in Early Twentieth Century Zululand. Jonathan Reynolds (Northern Kentucky University), Discussant. Hosted by Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia, 15 October 1999.
Marshall, Kirsten (Program Coordinator, The African Arts Network in Seattle, Washington). Changing Roles for Women in Senegal. Jonathan Reynolds (Northern Kentucky University), Chair and Discussant. Panel 2: Toward Increased, Lasting Development: Changing Responsibilities in African Societies. Hosted by East Carolina University, 13 October 2001.
Mason, John (University of Virginia). "Some Religion He Must Have": Slaves, Sufis and Conversion to Islam at the Cape. Jonathan Reynolds (Northern Kentucky University), Discussant. Hosted by Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia, 15 October 1999.
Mekenye, Reuben (California State University). The African Role in the Failure of South African Colonialism, 1902-1910: The Case of Lesotho. Aran S. MacKinnon (University of Western Georgia), Discussant. Hosted by Western Carolina University, 15 April 2000.
Okereafoezeke, Nonso (Western Carolina University).
Paracka, Jr, Danial J. (The International Center of Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia). The Athens of West Africa: A History of International Education at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone (1816-2001). Lisa Lindsay (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Discussant. Panel 3: Education at the Cross Roads in Africa. Hosted by Georgia State University, Atlanta, 23 March 2002.
Rich, Jeremy (Indiana University). A Workman is Worthy of His Meat: Food Consumption, Urban Identity and Labor in Colonial Libreville (Gabon), 1860-1900. Aran Mackinnon (University of Western Georgia), Discussant. Session: Changing Identities and Roles: Tradition Reconfigured. Hosted by Northern Kentucky University, 7 April 2001.
Robins, Melinda B. (Emerson College). Linking African Women: Critical Perspectives on Internet Initiatives. Nyaga Mwaniki (Western Carolina University), Discussant. Hosted by Western Carolina University, 15 April 2000.
Saunders, Janice M. and Joshua B. Rubongoya (Roanoke College). Travel Courses in Africa, the Small Liberal Arts Experience. Nyaga Mwaniki (Western Carolina University), Discussant. Session: Travel Courses and the Internet in Africa. Hosted by Western Carolina University, 15 April 2000.
Shumway, Rebecca (Emory University). Transformation Within the Asafo ("Warriors") Institution of Ghana, 1700-2000. Nonso Okereafoezeke (Western Carolina University), Chair and Discussant. Panel 1: Reconciling Colonial Impositions with Postcolonial Realities. Hosted by East Carolina University, 13 October 2001.
Siegel, Brian (Furman University).
Watson, R. L. (North Carolina Wesleyan College). 'Prize Negroes' and the Development of South African Race Ideology. Aran S. MacKinnon (University of Western Georgia), Discussant. Hosted by Western Carolina University, 15 April 2000.
Wilentz, Gay. (East Carolina University). Demarcating Political Space: African Women's Domain Through the Writings of Ama Ata Aidoo. Jonathan Reynolds (Northern Kentucky University), Chair and Discussant. Panel 2: Toward Increased, Lasting Development: Changing Responsibilities in African Societies. Hosted by East Carolina University, 13 October 2001.
Wright, Jeneva. (Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University). Soul Songs: Origins and Agency in African-American Spirituals. David Dennard (East Carolina University), Discussant. Group C, Session 6, Our Mother Speaks and Sings: The African Power of Words. Hosted by East Carolina University, 28 September 2013. SERSASians voted this paper the SERSAS Graduate Student Paper Prize for 2013. Jeneva Wright introduced her award-winning paper singing "Ride On, King Jesus" in her operatic voice. SERSASians in her session were so impressed that they requested she close their entire session. She did so in opera-style, singing "Wade in the Water."

Call for All SERSAS Papers, 1973-Present


SERSAS Resolution in Response to President Donald Trump's Profane Remarks about Africans and Africa
Unanimous SERSAS Resolution in support of the
ASA Board of Directors Statement on the Executive Order Restricting Entry into the US


AHA Presidential Address, Joseph Miller, 8 January 1999
The Complete Archive of SERSAS-L, 2003 - 2020
Coordinators and Treasurers, 1973-2013
Graduate Student Winners of the Roberta Ann Dunbar Prize, 2008 - 2020
History of SERSAS, Joseph Miller, 18 January 1999
Membership List
Papers, Roundtables, and Videos, 1973 to 2001


Spring 2020
Spring 2019Fall 2019
Spring 2018Fall 2018
Spring 2017Fall 2017
Spring 2016Fall 2016 Cancelled, Hurricane Matthew)
Fall 2015 (Cancelled, Hurricane Joaquin)
Spring 2014Fall 2014
Spring 2013Fall 2013, Music Program
Spring 2012Fall 2012
Spring 2011 SERSAS/SEAN
Spring 2010Fall 2010
Spring 2009Fall 2009
Spring 2008Fall 2008
Spring 2007Fall 2007
Spring 2006
Spring 2005Fall 2005
Spring 2004Fall 2004
Spring 2003
Spring 2002Fall 2002
Spring 2001Fall 2001
Spring 2000Fall 2000
Spring 1999Fall 1999